5:00- 8:00am- Working adults and students who go to school usually will wake up at this time.
7:00- 8:00am- Families eat breakfast together and usually head out of the house.
8:00- 9:05am- School and many work places open up by this time
9:00- 9:30am- The average workday begins.
11:00- 11:45am- School lunch time.
12:00- 12:30pm- Lunch break for adult workers.
1:00- 3:00pm- Church activities on weekends, religious ceremonies
3:15- 3:30pm- School ends
5:00- 6:00pm- Work day ends.
5:30- 7:00pm – The family gets together to eat dinner and discuss family matters. This is the family together time each family should have.
7:00- 8:00pm- Children will do their homework by this time, and parents will help out their kids or resort to their own work also.
9:00 – 10:00pm- Bedtime for children
11:30- 12:00am- Everyone is asleep by now.